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billy gilman

2023-10-10 17:15:26 网络 0

billy gilman

作曲 : Hatch, Linzer, Shamblin, Stone

you never looked, more beautiful

than you look tonight

in your eyes i see, all i can be

and how you changed my life

you held on, when i let go

now all i want, is to let you know

your love is like a river

it runs through my heart and soul

it's deep when i'm thirsty

and warm when i'm cold

and when i feel forgotten

i come running to your shore

and find peace in mind time after time

you give me everything and more

when tommorow comes

i can face the morning

in a different light

you can change your mind a thousand times

nothing will ever change mine

cause your love is like a river

it runs through my heart and soul

it's deep when i'm thirsty

and warm when i'm cold

and when i feel forgotten

i come running to your shore

and find peace in mind time after time

you give me everything and more

the sun will rise and the light will shine

oh, eveything will be alright

oh yes it will

cause your love is like a river

it runs through my heart and soul

it's deep when i'm thirsty

and warm when i'm cold

and when i feel forgotten

i come running to your shore

and find peace in mind time after time

you give me everything and more

you give me everything and more

  • 上一篇 荣联合


    作词 : 步进来 作曲 : 荣联合编曲:宝力高我来自草原我飞向天边我草原的雄鹰渤大的翅膀磅礴的气派我来自科尔沁我走出草原我草原的娇子宽厚的臂膀敞亮的胸怀草原的儿子在祖国大地雄鹰般地飞翔广阔的天地间在母

  • 下一篇 为爱执着


    作词 : 雨柔(王春花) 作曲 : 雨柔(王春花)如果相逢是一场错为何还要许下承诺明知道今生不会有结果却不想让你我缘分都错过如果爱是流星划过为何还要如此执着纵然只是一场花开花落我依然愿意与你执手走过可